0.1 - Tarball release! - 11/26/02
Grab it off the sourceforge download page! It's almost fully functional and
needs themes! Hopefully we'll have more themes soon... and some more functionality
people have been asking me about.
If you set it up please drop me an email, i'de like to see it working for other
people, also if you would like to provide a link to it here as a demo that would be
great! I unfortunately don't have that kind of bandwidth.
What is Ice Request?
Ice Request is a set of php scripts and a perl module for ices that keeps track of your mp3s in
a mysql database, and allows visitors to your site to search out and queue up songs which are then
seen by the perl module for ices and played next on your stream.
Does this project stem from any other peoples' work?
YES! This project makes use of: PHP, Apache, Mysql, Icecast, Ices, Perl, getID3, and PLEASE tell
me if you notice any I didnt mention!
Questions? Comments? ask! icerequest@err0rr.com